This footage was shot two years before the girls had their first hit single. We see them living together in a tiny house in Maidenhead as they rehearse day in, day out, striving to become a success. We watch their rehearsals; and we discover their very distinctive personalities that we all know help make up the band. This includes never before seen footage of the girls speaking of their ambitions and fears, as well as their trademark outrageous behaviour and some titanic bust-ups.
This is the girls before blockbuster hits, weddings, babies, and bust-ups. This is before stylists. PR people and make-up artists. THIS IS RAW SPICE.
Thanks to Bryan for uploading this! Always show your appreciation!
while we are still uploading, make sure you keep in mind that the first hit single from the girls is "wannabe". tell me what you want.. what you really really want.
u are awesome thank you so much
Thank you SO much for this - I was just thinking about it the other day!
thank you!
thank you so much! you rock!
hmm...interesting...I've never even heard of it! Thanks you so much!
Thank you so much.
thank you so much.
Hey thanks, i never saw these
please...the password
I still can't figure it out nor find it
And the password?? someone??
password please. Thanks :)
Thanks :D
thanks a ton!!!
thank you!!
x D
oh my god to find out
the mediafire's password
is like a Resident Evil's puzzle
nice job and thanks!!!!!
thank you so much!!
i thinks this is an documental that any spice fan has to watch, even better, to have!!!
Thank you so much! It's great!!!
Please! Parts 3 and 8 are invalid links!
Hey! thanks for this blog! i just found it and i'm in love!
if u can please re up part 3,4 and 8
all off! =)
sorry for the english..i'm from brazil...
o/ thanks again
if u can please reupload part 3 4 8
they'r all dead!!!!!!!!!!!
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